Like the passing of a storm, shadows of the past linger in the air. Memories that have faded, but not yet been erased. They're distant, but that's what is the worst part of them.
I cannot decipher exactly what they are, or when they took place. I just know that it happened. Many people have phrased it as "time being a thief", which I like, but I think that there is so much more to fading memories.
Sometimes there are memories that we wish to forget, and overtime they do. Sometimes though, when our brain is high on adrenaline, or even in a state of major depression, we forget what we go through. It doesn't matter if you want to remember it or not, you no choice to keep them or not.
But something that also bothers me, is that we don't remember the first few years of our lives, due to our brains still developing. Personally, there was a lot that happened in that time frame for me that I wish I could remember, yet the harder I try all I can seem to come up with is a hint of something that may have never even been.
The other side that I mentioned earlier, is things that we want to forget. Since we are all human, we all have regrets, things the we've done or seen that stains our minds. It may have also been the result of somebody else getting the better of you.
No matter who you are, you cannot say you've always lived the life you wanted. I know I am not, and that I'm not the person that I once was, or hope I am in the future. But the future will wait, and the past may haunt, but it cannot cause pain unless you let it. So let the ghosts linger in the shadows of the past, and focus on creating the memories you will always remember. Above all, don't let yourself become a ghost in the memory of somebody you care for. Haunting them until one day, you are no longer even a shadow in their peripheral vision.